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Hispanic Ministry @ Boston College


U.S. Hispanic Ministry Resources

This guide introduces the Hispanic Ministry Program at Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry (STM). It also points to important resources for the study of U.S. Latino/a theology and ministry.

Hispanic Youth Ministry

In 2010 more than 55% of all Catholics in the United States under the age of 18 are Hispanic. Hispanic Youth Ministry must be considered a priority in every pastoral plan (diocesan, parochial, and organizational) during the next decades in this country. The present and future of U.S. Catholicism will largely depend on how we serve Hispanic Youth today.

See the work and resources of Instituto Fe y Vida in Stockton, CA.

The following books are very helpful resources for ministry with Catholic Hispanic Youth:

TML Reference Librarian

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Jennifer Moran
Theology and Ministry Library
117 Lake Street
Brighton Campus
Subjects: Cybersecurity, Theology