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Technology & Equipment Loans


Presentation Tools

Presentation Tools

Items Library Loan Period Replacement Cost
Presentation Clicker O'Neill, ERC 4 Hours $45
Laser Clicker O'Neill, ERC 4 Hours $55
Projectors & Cameras      
Portable Mini Projector O'Neill 4 Days $100
Epson Projector O'NeillERC 4 Days $100
Document Camera ERC 4 Days $30
Swivl Robot ERC 4 Days $1,880
Wifi Microscope ERC 4 Days $10
Meeting Owl 3 ERC    
Accessibility Devices      
Hamilton Buhl Multi Wireless Listening Center O'Neill 1 Day $257
Voice Amplifier O'Neill 4 Hours $36
Perkins Smart Brailler ERC    
Whiteboard O'Neill 1 Day $300

SWL = Social Work Library, ERC = Educational Resource Center

Tech Locations

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Contact Us

Evan Hamlin



Technology Support Specialist

Usage Policy

By checking out technology items you understand:

  • Usage of items is limited to Boston College faculty, students, and staff.

  • Some equipment usage is subject to the Boston College Technological and Information Resources Use Agreement.

  • Items must be returned to a staff member at the library and service desk where you borrowed the equipment.

  • You are responsible for reimbursing Boston College for the cost of repairing/replacing technology items and/or accessories in the event of loss, theft, or damage. 

  • You are responsible for reporting problems with technology items to a staff member when the item is returned. This includes any damage to the device. 

  • The library reserves the right to refer students who do not return library property on time to Student Conduct (see section 10.3) and charge non-refundable replacement costs.

  • Items are nonrenewable and may be subject to a waiting time after a return before they can be checked out again.

  • Loaner Laptops do not support the installation of new software or programs. Certain programs, such as the Lockdown Browser, cause security issues when installed on public computers and are therefore not supported by the libraries. 


Overdue & Replacement Charges

  • You will be billed for the replacement cost 3 days after the due date.

  • Students who do not return library property on time may be referred to Student Conduct (see section 10.3).