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Public Health Practice in the Community (APSY405001)


Getting Started

This guide highlights data which can be used for analysis of pubic health issues . Data was chosen to support use in GIS (Geographic Information Systems)


       Virtually any data can  be mapped if you have a geographic component to your data. Whether you have an address, zip code, county or state geographic code.

     ArcMap is available via the university server at: BC Apps.

     ArcGIS Online is a web based tool which provides internal layers that can be applied and also allows users to upload their  own data from a .txt or csv file. Boston College students and faculty can form groups within ArcGIS Online for class and research projects. For more information contact: Constantin Andronache 

There are also tools which can help geocode your data if you have the address. See below.Class data and other sources of data can be found under Finding Data tab.


Head Librarian, ERC

Profile Photo
Jessica Hinson-Williams
Educational Resource Center
Campion Hall G13
Subjects: Education