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OECD iLibrary and OECD.Stat Help Guide


Find Statistics

Description of full text OECD data and publications collections. Searching instructions for downloading spreadsheet and other formats for data.

Find Statistics

OECD provides comparable international statistics and economic and social data. Current and historical data. Annual, monthly and quarterly data, some  back to 1916.

OECD iLibrary

image of  OECD indexes to databases, tables and books


- Click on “OECD.Stat” to access all dynamic databases available from the OECD allowing experienced users to make cross-database queries.
- Click on a specific title to access a unique view of the selected database, including options for creating customized tables, a data citation tool and links to related content.

- Click on “Country statistical profiles: Key tables” to view a selection of country-based key statistics in HTML, XLS and PDF formats.
- Click on a key table set to view a selection organised by theme. The tables are accessible in HTML, XLS and PDF formats.

- Click on “OECD Factbook” to access a unique cross-section of key statistics as tables and graphs from the OECD accompanied by a brief introduction, defi nitions, notes on comparability, long-term trends and sources.
- Click on a publication title to access the homepage of a statistical periodical, book series or annual/outlook.