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Library Orientation for Nursing Ph.D. Students



Overview of resources and services to support your research.

Database Comparison Table



EMBASE Cochrane Library PsycInfo

Indexing from 1937

Full Text from 1962

1946 - present 1947 - present Varies by database 1840 - present
# of Records > 7 million > 37 million > 45.6 million > 1 million > 5 million
Record Types Journals and magazines, dissertations, books Mostly journal articles, also eBooks Journal articles, conference abstracts/papers, preprints Controlled trials, systematic reviews Journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - CINAHL Subject Headings Yes - MeSH Yes - Emtree Sometimes - MeSH Yes - APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms
Updated Weekly Daily Daily Varies by database Semi-weekly
Citation Analysis No No Yes No No
Strengths Detailed searching, grey literature Current coverage, detailed searching, global coverage Current coverage, good conference coverage, includes records not indexed in MEDLINE Systematic reviews and clinical answers to inform health care decisions Search based on population, age, and methodology
Subject Focus Nursing, Allied Health Biomedicine, Health Sciences Biomedicine, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Healthcare Administration Healthcare Interventions, Diagnostic Assessment Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuroscience, Social Sciences