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NURS3170: Principles of Evidence-Based Nursing



Selecting Databases

Each database covers a different collection of literature, and provides different search tools. A good -quality search for evidence includes more than one database. The table below compares databases commonly used to support evidence-based nursing. All but the Cochrane Library offer limits and filters for easily focusing results on specific populations.

Select databases appropriate for your topic. In some cases, you may find additional peer-reviewed research by using databases from additional disciplines, such as environmental studies or political science.

Database Comparison Table for Nursing Students

Features CINAHL PubMed & MEDLINE PsycInfo Cochrane Library

Indexing from 1937

Full Text from 1962

1946 - present 1840 - present Varies by database
# of Records > 7 million > 37 million > 5 million > 1 million
Record Types Journals and magazines, dissertations, books Mostly journal articles, also eBooks Journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings Controlled trials, systematic reviews, protocols
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - CINAHL Subject Headings Yes - MeSH Yes - APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms Sometimes - MeSH
Updated Weekly Daily Semi-weekly Varies by database
Citation Analysis No No No No
Strengths Detailed searching, grey literature Current coverage, detailed searching, global coverage All records include subject headings Systematic reviews and clinical answers to inform health care decisions
Subject Focus Nursing, Allied Health Biomedicine, Health Sciences Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuroscience, Social Sciences Healthcare Interventions, Diagnostic Assessment

Multidisciplinary Databases

BC Libraries subscribes to two multidisciplinary databases which are good additions to your search, particularly because of their citation analysis features.

Features Web of Science Scopus
Coverage of Cited and Citing References

1975 - present

1970 - present
Record Types Journals, conference proceedings, selected books Journals, conference proceedings, selected books, patents
Updated Daily Daily
Strengths More likely to be available at hospital libraries Broader coverage of global literature

Other Databases

Although Google Scholar could be considered a multidisciplinary database, its minimal search features and structural opacity (What's included? What isn't? Could someone else replicate my search?) make it a low-priority source when searching for peer reviewed research.

Publishers' websites offer an opportunity to search for the most recently published research. However, they offer minimal search features.