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ENGL333901: Digital Text, Material Image


Antiquities and Arts and Crafts

Searching JSTOR for Articles about Irish Arts and Crafts

Find JSTOR from the BC Libraries database list or click on the link below.  Once in JSTOR do an 'Advanced Search.'

Type "arts and crafts" in the top blank field and leave "full-text" as the option.

Select "Irish Studies" under "Narrow by Discipline and/or Publication title."

Hit "Search."

Once you see results, you can choose to view by 'oldest' or 'newest.'

Irish Antiquarian Journals

Choose Advanced Search on the library home page, then add "ireland" as a term in any field, "antiquities" as a subject term, and select "Journals/Serials" as material type. The Arts and Crafts Movement used many designs from ancient Irish art and architecture.  These journals offer information on these designs. 

screenshot of advanced search at BC Libraries, highlighting "ireland" in any field, "antiquities" in subject field, and "journals and serials" as material type.