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Latino/a/x Theology


Finding articles


Version available on open internet: SeLaDoc

Where's the Article?

If you search a database and the full article's not there, don't despair.  Look for the "FindIt" button:  or FindIt@BC.  Find It will offer help including:

  1. If BC has the full text in another database, you will be taken to a list of databases for the full text. 
  2. If BC subscribes to the print journal where the article appeared, the Catalog will say Find in Library and you can check which library or libraries may have the year/issue you need and where it is located.
  3. If the article is not available online or in print at BC, use the link to Request the item. We can usually get the article from another library within a few days and email it to you.

Video tutorials on searching databases

Using SeLaDoc: La base de datos de teología latinoamericana

SeLaDoc (traducido por Charlie Joyce, Jr, MA' 21)

Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)

Requesting resources by Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

To locate articles or books that are not accessible through the BC Libraries' collections, submit a request for the item by Interlibrary Loan.  The instructions for making these requests can be found in the FAQs listed on the BC Libraries' website:

Instructions for requesting articles

Instructions for requesting books