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The library catalog lists over 3,000 newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals pertaining to Ireland and provides complete holdings information for all Irish serials in the Boston College libraries. These holdings range in date from 1685 to the present and cover Irish history, literature, politics, art, archaeology, economics, genealogy, music, and law.
To retrieve a list of titles click here Irish Serials in the Boston College Libraries
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See the "Search Journals by Keyword" box below. Type text that matches the title you seek and click "Go."
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When doing research on the history and politics of Ireland and Northern Ireland microform sets such as those listed below are valuable for the major and smaller, provincial newspapers and publications that they contain. Most of these sets are located in O'Neill Library on Level One. See this listings for specific locations.
INDL: Irish Newspapers in the Dublin Libraries, 1690-1730
IPRN: Irish Political and Radical Newspapers, focuses 1905 to 1930
IPSP: Ireland: Politics and Society through the Press, 1763-1916 with bulk 1830-1900
NIPL: Northern Ireland Political Literature, includes 1970s and 1980s
In most cases O'Neill Library keeps the current 3 months in hardcopy. For past issues, see our digital and microfilm collections.
There are many Irish Newspapers, both national publications and more local provincial papers available through Nexis Uni. You can specify dates to search, add index terms, or limit your search to specific segments of articles (e.g. headline, byline, lead paragraph).
For titles of dozens of Irish Newspapers.