The list below includes a few of the individuals involved in scientific discovery in Early Modern Europe (here 1450-1750) as well as older authors being circulated during those centuries. The list includes selections of their work and does not represent the breadth of BC's holdings. Check out the "BC Catalog search" links for more.
Recommended books from Burns Library, O'Neill Library, as well as various online collections. Most material is available in English translation as well as Latin (or other language) originals.
This page has a lot on it. You can use the following anchors (links down the page) to jump straight to a relevant box.
This one is here because of frequent publication in the early modern period - and as a sample of which texts were influencing Early Modern scientists.
BC Catalog Search (just the one book)
BC Library Catalog search (no materials for the author)
For additional recommendations, contact your History Liaison, Erin, at or schedule an appointment.