1872-present. Searchable full text.
2008 - 3 months ago. Scanned images from ProQuest Digitized Newspapers.
Full-text access to the national and world news provided by The Washington Post with coverage on a rolling basis for the previous 15 years. Use the BC Libraries' link to access the website. No sign in or registration is required.
2008 - 3 months ago. Scanned images from ProQuest Digitized Newspapers.
Current access to the New York Times (1980-present), Washington Post (1987-present), Los Angeles Times (1985-present), Chicago Tribune (1985-present), and the Wall Street Journal (1984-present).
Current access to the New York Times (1980-present), Washington Post (1987-present), Los Angeles Times (1985-present), Chicago Tribune (1985-present), and the Wall Street Journal (1984-present).
Access World News is a collection of local, regional, and international news sources. Additionally it provides access to many sources of foreign news in translation.
Full text news (1995-2013) compiled from thousands of non-U.S. media sources translated into English, the information in WNC covers significant socioeconomic, political, scientific, technical, and environmental issues and events. Coverage is by region and includes: East Asia, Near East and South Asia, China, East Europe, West Europe, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Select Chinese news in translation from 2015 to present day
Founded in 1949, the Current Digest was first published as The Current Digest of the Soviet Press (1949-1991), followed by The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press (1992-2010), and now The Current Digest of the Russian Press.
1941-1996. Transcribed and translated foreign broadcasts and news. The original mission was to monitor, record, transcribe, and translate intercepted radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services, and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories. Now offers the opportunity for students to expand their research into primary sources that originated in languages they do not have.