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CHEM6612: Scientific Communication in Chemistry II


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Database Comparison

Attributes SciFindern [SciFinder-n] Reaxys PubMed

SciFinderⁿ Quick Reference Guide (PDF)

Reaxys Quick reference guide (PDF)

Tips for Using PubMed (PDF)

1907– (also, some older essential references added retrospectively)

1771– (organic); 1817– (inorganic/organometallic)

1946– (1966– records are more detailed)

Literature Types

Journal articles, patents, books and book chapters, technical reports, dissertations, preprints, conference papers; > 50 languages

Journal articles, patents, conference papers; multiple languages

Journal articles, technical reports, books; > 50 languages

Purpose(s) Breadth: comprehensively indexing worldwide chemistry literature and enumerating substances, identifying new reactions, locating chemical suppliers and national regulations Originally, depth: compiling critically evaluated chemical data. Now: same, plus indexing key chemistry literature.

Breadth and depth: comprehensively indexing worldwide biomedical and life sciences literature

Substance and Reaction Coverage Emphasis on novel/new substances and reactions Aims for comprehensive coverage of data and reactions in key chemistry literature

Good coverage of substances and reactions of biomedical interest, but no substance search or reaction search tools

Properties Reported Can search and/or filter results by experimental (reported) and predicted values for selected data types Can search and/or filter results by experimental (reported) values for myriad data properties. Some numeric data was critically evaluated before inclusion.

Incidental reporting, as presented in abstracts

Updates Daily Twice a week


Cost Confidential subscription price (order of magnitude > $104 at US universities) Confidential subscription price (order of magnitude > $104 at US universities)


Additional notes Includes PubMed content, but does not include all PubMed literature search tools Includes data from NIH's open (free) PubChem database

Inconsistently applies CAS Registry Numbers (CAS RNs) to substance indexing. No reaction, structure, or property search tools. Links to National Center for Biotechnology Information for access to PubChem and molecular biology databases.