Tabloid periodicals come in a variety of styles, but often use a newspaper format. Their language is elementary and occasionally inflammatory or sensational. They assume a certain gullibility in their audience. Tabloids appeal to curiosity, satisfy appetites for gossip and sex, and cater to popular superstitions. They often do so with flashy headlines designed to astonish (e.g. Aliens from Mars Invade Michael Jackson's Mansion) or photos of celebrities.
Sample Tabloid Titles
Substantive News or General Interest
Substantive news or general interest sources are usually attractive in appearance, and may include photographs. Some, though not very many, may cite sources. Authors of articles appearing in this type of publication include editorial staff, scholars, and freelance writers. They are generally published far more frequently than scholarly journals. Editorial departments in these periodicals do a more thorough job of fact-checking than other popular periodicals (and issue retractions when published stories have erred) and work diligently to avoid bias.
Sample Substantive News or General Interest Periodicals
- The New Yorker
- National Geographic
- Scientific American
- The Wall Street Journal