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Boston College Newspapers

This guide describes sources of current, contemporary (recent past), and historical newspapers available in print or electronically via the Boston College Libraries and/or on the Web.

Newspaper Collection

Newspaper Collections at Boston College currently contain digitized copies of The Heights, 885 and the Sacred Heart Review.

Titles in this repository of newspapers digitized from the John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, can be searched together or separately or browsed by date. This collection contains 4,277 issues comprising 68,927 pages and 294,971 articles.

The Heights

HeightsThe Heights, the Boston College student newspaper began publication in 1919. Issues from November 1919-June 2010 are available online. For current news, see the newspaper's current website:


Sacred Heart Review

Sacred heartSacred Heart Review was a newspaper published in Cambridge and Boston between 1888-1918. Not merely a church bulletin, the Review contained sections dealing with local, national and international news, and had a nation-wide subscriber base.

It is important for its reporting of the Catholic Church in general and the Church in New England in particular; its pieces that explicate and defend Catholicism; and its advertisements. The entire 60-volume run is available online and is in the public domain.


885885 was the student newspaper of Newton College of the Sacred Heart, a Catholic women’s college in operation from 1946 through 1975 when it merged with Boston College. Boston College recognizes the alumna of Newton College of the Sacred Heart and considers these graduates part of the legacy that is the Boston College Alumni.