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Social Work: Evidence-Based Practice


Searching for Evidence in Journals

This guide is designed to give you tips for finding evidence-based sources for your research.

Searching PsycInfo

Try a variety of keywords and add them to your search step by step when searching PsycINFO. For example:

  • "generalized anxiety" AND treatment
  • ("generalized anxiety" OR GAD) AND (treatment OR intervention)
  • anxiety AND (treatment OR intervention OR therapy)

Also, try using the additional search options below the main search boxes of the database. Those options allow you to limit by type of study, age group and other factors that might improve your search results. See the tutorial below for a demonstration.

Introduction to some of the advanced functions of PsycINFO.

Produced, edited, narrated and scripted by Jenny Severyn, MS Candidate 2017, Simmons College

Other Important Databases

Searching PubMed Clinical Queries