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O'Neill Library Tech and Equipment Loans


Lending Technology Services

Lending Technology Services at O'Neil Library

Technology items can be checked out by Boston College faculty, students and staff at the O'Neill Library main circulation desk.

Usage Policy

By checking out technology items you understand:

  • Usage is subject to the Boston College Technological and Information Resources Use Agreement.
  • You must return technology items to a staff member at the main desk on the third floor of O'Neill Library.
  • If you keep items past the due date, we reserve the right to suspend your library privileges and charge you the maximum overdue fines plus full replacement costs which are non-refundable.
    • Overdue charges accumulate after the due date/time up to a maximum of $100.
    • You will be billed for the replacement cost 7 days after the due date.
  • You must reimburse Boston College for the cost of repairing/replacing technology items and/or accessories if they are lost, stolen, or damaged while checked out on their library account.
  • You must report any problems with technology items to a staff member when the item is returned. This includes any damage to the device. 


Our goal is to provide outstanding customer service to the BC community. To improve our services, send us your feedback and observations.

Suggest Technology

Are we missing equipment? Let us know, suggest technology.


Contact Us

Paul Bridden



Head of Access Services 

Evan Hamlin

Evan Hamlin



Technology Support Specialist