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Finding Graphic Novels & Comic Books in the ERC


Getting Started

What is the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book

While an untrained reader may not be able to discern a graphic novel from a comic book, fans of both genres should have no trouble doing so. As a general rule:

  • Graphic novels are longer than comic books.
  • Graphic novels cover a wide array of genres and subject matters. Comic books may as well, but the subjects are often associated with or explained through the lens of superheroes or heightened realities.
  • Graphic novels contain complete narratives, whether or not they are part of a larger series.
  • Comic books contain excerpts of serialized narratives. It can be difficult to read a comic book if you haven’t read the comic that comes directly before it in series.
  • Both comics and graphic novels can contain complex characters with detailed backstories and inner conflict.
  • Comic books are produced with greater frequency than graphic novels, often arriving on a weekly or monthly schedule.

Searching the Catalog for Graphic Novels & Comic Books

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Searching the BC Catalog:

1. Choose the 'Educational Resource Center' from the drop-down menu to search the ERC. You can also search in O'Neill.

2. Limit the Any Field option to 'Subject'.

3. In the search field type either 'graphic novels' or 'comic books'.  In the second search box type topics of interest to narrow the topic. For example, type women, friendship, dragons

4. Click search

How to use graphic novels and comic books in the classroom

Sr. Liaison Librarian for Curriculum Materials