The Educational Resource Center has a large and diverse collection of children's and young adult literature, and new titles are added each month. The collection includes:
The entirety of the collection is searchable through the library website. For assistance with selecting books at a particular reading level, subject area, or genre, contact ERC Head Librarian Jessica Hinson-Williams.
The Boston College Libraries Catalog, is the database for identifying what titles the Educational Resource Center collection contains.
On the Simple Search screen you can enter a search term(s) which will retrieve results for all of the BC Collections- you may "Refine My Results" by selecting "Educational Resource Center" on the side of the search results page which will narrow the results. Alternatively, you can select the Advanced Search tab and by specifying "Educational Resource Center" in the Search Scope box, your search will retrieve only those titles held by the ERC.
In the Advanced Search you can use the pull down menu to define the search by subject- some useful subject headings for finding children's literature are:
"children's literature", "juvenile fiction", "children's stories", "juvenile poetry", and "folklore".
If you are looking for nonfiction books type a keyword in the search box followed by the second search box with keywords "Juvenile Literature". This will give you results limited to nonfiction.
Also, by choosing Advanced Search you may specify material type. For example, the ERC collection contains other material types such as spoken recordings as well as film and video recordings of many children's literature titles.