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Race and Racial Disparities


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Selected Articles

Pager, D. (2003). The mark of a criminal record. American Journal of Sociology, 108(5).

Kahlenberg, R. D. (2017). An economic Fair Housing Act.  Retrieved from

Rothstein, R. (2014, April 17). Brown v. Board at 60: Why have we been so disappointed? What have we learned? Retrieved from

Eisenhower Foundation. (2008). What together we can do: A forty year update of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. Retrieved from,%20Executive%20Summary.pdf

Pager, D., & Shepherd, H. (2008). The sociology of discrimination: Racial discrimination in employment, housing, credit, and consumer marketsAnnual Review of Sociology, 34(1), 181–209.

Bertrand, M.,& Sendhil, M. (2004). Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market DiscriminationAmerican Economic Review, 94(4), 991–1013.

Pager, D., Bonikowski, B.,& Western, B. (2009). Discrimination in a low-wage labor market: A field experimentAmerican Sociological Review, 74(5), 777–799.

Blumer, H. (1958). Race prejudice as a sense of group position. The Pacific Sociological Review, 1(1), 3-7.

Manduca, R. (2018) Income inequality and the persistence of racial economic disparities. Sociological Science, 5, 182-205.

Darling-Hammond, L. (1998). Unequal opportunity: Race and education.” The Brookings Review, 16(2), 28–32. 

Isaacs, J. (2007). Economic mobility of black and white families. Retrieved from

Munnell, A. H,, Tootell, G. M., Browne, L. E., & McEneaney, J. (1996). Mortgage lending in Boston: Interpreting HMDA dataAmerican Economic Review, 86(1), 25–53. 

Bloome, D. (2014). Racial inequality trends and the intergenerational persistence of income and family structureAmerican Sociological Review 79(6), 1196–225.

Matthew, D. (2012). Eviction and the reproduction of urban poverty. American Journal of Sociology,118(1), 88-133.

Quillian, L. (2006). New approaches to understanding racial prejudice and discriminationAnnual Review of Sociology, 32(1), 299–328.

Reskin, B. (2012). The race discrimination systemAnnual Review of Sociology, 38(1), 17–35.

Menendian. S., Spencer, M., Knuth, L., Powell, J.,& Jackson, S. (2008). Structural racism in the United States. Report to the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the occasion of its review of the Periodic Report of the United States of America. Retrieved from​

Larson, N.I., Story, M.T.,& Nelson, M.C. (2009). Neighborhood environments: Disparities in access to healthy foods in the USAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(1), 74–81.

Logan, J.R., Oakley, D.,& Stowell, J. (2008). School segregation in metropolitan regions, 1970–2000: the impact of policy choices on public educationAmerican Journal of  Sociolology , 113(6), 1611–1644.

Smith, R.A. (2002). Race, gender, and authority in the workplace: Theory and research. Annual Review of Sociology, 28. 509–42.

Charles, C. Z. (2003). The dynamics of racial residential segregation. Annual Review of Sociology, 29, 167–207.

Reskin, B. F. (2003). Including mechanisms in our models of ascriptive inequality. American Sociological Review, 68(1), 1-21.

Greenwald, A.G.,& Mahzarin, R.B. (1995). Implicit social cognition: Attitudes, self-esteem, and stereotypesPsychological Review, 102(1), 4–27. 

Baron, J.N., & Bielby, W.T. (1980). Bringing the firm back in: Stratification, segmentation, and the organization of work. American Sociological Review, 45, 737-765. 

Massey, D.S.,& Fischer, M.J. (2006). The effect of childhood segregation on minority academic performance at selective colleges. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29(1), 1-26.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2013). Housing discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities 2012. Retrieved from

Pettit, B.,& Western, B. (2004). Mass imprisonment and the life course: Race and class inequality in U.S. incarceration. American Sociological Review, 69(2), 151–169.

Greenwald AG, Krieger LH. 2006. Implicit bias: Scientific foundationsCalifornia Law Review, 94, 945-67. DOI: 10.2307/20439056

Bocian, D.G., Ernst, K.S., & Li, W. (2008). Race, ethnicity and subprime home loan pricing. Journal of Economics and Business, 60, 110–124.

Bond, C., & Williams, D.R. (2007). Residential segregation and the transformation of home mortgage lending. Social Forces, 86(2), 671–698.

Charles, K.K.,& Guryan, J. (2011). Studying discrimination: fundamental challenges and recent progress. Annual Review of Economics, 3, 479–511.

Charles, K.K., Hurst, E., & Stephens, M. (2008). Rates for vehicle loans: Race and loan source. American Economic Review, 98(2), 315–320. DOI: 10.1257/aer.98.2.315

Dasgupta N. (2004). Implicit ingroup favoritism, outgroup favoritism, and their behavioral manifestations. Social Justice Research, 17, 143–169.

Denton, N.A. (1996). The persistence of segregation: links between residential segregation and school segregation. Minnesota Law Review, 80, 795–823.

Fryer, R.G., Pager, D.,& Spenkuch, J.L. (2011). Racial disparities in job finding and offered wagesJournal of Law and Economics, 56(3), 633-389. 

Fenning P.,& Rose, J. (2007). Overrepresentation of African American students in exclusionary discipline. Urban Education, 42(6), 536–559.

Wakefield, S.,& Uggen, C. (2010). Incarceration and stratificationAnnual Review of Sociology, 36, 387–406.

Saez, E.,& Zucman, G. (2016). Wealth Inequality in the United States since 1913: Evidence from Capitalized Income Tax DataQuarterly Journal of Economics, 131(2), 519-578.

Fording, R.C., Soss, J.,& Schram, S.F. (2011). Race and the local politics of punishment in the new world of welfare. American Journal of Sociology, 116(5), 1610–1657.

Lyons, C.J.,& Pettit, B. (2011). Compounded disadvantage: race, incarceration, and wage growthSocial Problems, 58(2), 257– 280.

Massey, D.S., Rothwell, J.,& Domina, T. (2009). The changing bases of segregation in the United StatesThe ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science626(1), 74–90.

Mitchell, D. E., Batie, M., & Mitchell, R. E. (2010). The contributions of school desegregation to housing integration: Case studies in two large urban areasUrban Education45(2), 166–193.

Ross, S.L.,& Turner, M.A. (2005). Housing discrimination in metropolitan America: Explaining changes between 1989 and 2000. Social Problems, 52(2), 152–180.

Rugh, J.S.,& Massey, D.S. (2010). Racial segregation and the American foreclosure crisis. American Sociological Review, 75(5), 629–651.

Gee, G., & Ford, C. (2011). Structural racism and health inequities: Old issues, new directions. DuBois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 8(1), 115-132.

Williams, D. R., & Mohammed, S. A. (2009). Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence and needed research. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32(1), 20–47.

Williams, D.R, Neighbors, H.W.,& Jackson, J.S. (2003). Racial/ethnic discrimination and health: findings from community studies. American Journal of Public Health, 93(2), 200-208.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2009). Achievement gaps: How black and white students in public schools perform in mathematics and reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Retrieved from

Card, D.,& Rothstein, J. (2007). Racial segregation and the black-white test score gapJournal Public Economics, 91, 2158-94.

Harris, D. N., & Herrington, C. D. (2006). Accountability, standards, and the growing achievement gap: Lessons from the past half-century. American Journal of Education, 112(2), 209-238.

Chetty, R., Stepner, M.,& Abraham S, et al. (2016). The association between income and life expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014JAMA, 315(16), 1750–1766. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.4226

Quinlan, C. (2017, January 10). Why the racist history of vouchers matters today. ThinkProgress. Retrieved from

Carnoy, M. (2017, February 28). School vouchers are not a proven strategy for improving student achievement. Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved from

Reardon, S. F., Fox, L., & Townsend, J. (2015). Neighborhood income composition by household race and income, 1990–2009. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science660(1), 78–97.

Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation. (1998). The millennium breach: Richer, poorer and racially apart. Retrieved from

Rodrigue, E.,& Reeves, R. V. (2015, January 15). Five bleak facts on black opportunity. Retrieved from

Urban Institute. (2015). Nine charts about wealth inequality in America. Retrieved from

Lurie, J.,& Rios, E. (2016, June 8). Black kids are 4 times more likely to be suspended than white kids. Mother Jones. Retrieved from

Pew Research Center. (2016). On views of race and inequality, Blacks and Whites are worlds apart. Retrieved from


