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TMNT 7023 Introduction to the New Testament


Reference Sources, etc.

This guide will provide quick access to important research tools for the study of the New Testament.

Bible dictionaries

When investigating a New Testament person, theme, object, or event - especially during the early stages of inquiry - a good Bible dictionary can be an invaluable companion. These (below) are among the available options.

Topical dictionaries of the Bible

The dictionaries listed below focus on special topics within, or related to, the Bible. Several of these titles can be checked out of the TML.


A concordance allows one alphabetically to track usage of particular words in the Bible. There are concordances for all of the major translations of the Bible (e.g., NRSV, NAB, NIV, etc.), and it is best to use the condcordance appropriate for the specific translation you are working with. A few of the print options are offered below. Online keywork searching tools will be mentioned elsewhere in this guide.

Encyclopedias of the Bible

If you are looking for a scholarly overview of a New Testament topic to help launch your study, an encyclopedia of the Bible can be an excellent starting place. Here (below) are some of the choices at TML.

Relevant topical encyclopedias

The encyclopedias listed below include considerable content related to the New Testament.  


A good atlas of the Bible can be a helpful interpretive tool. The TML has many Biblically-themed atlases for your consideration, including the following.